czwartek, 8 kwietnia 2021

Authorized Tradelines: Explode Your Credit With Aged Authorized User Tradelines


When it comes to DRAMATICALLY raising your credit scores (across all three bureaus) nothing is as powerful as buying aged authorized user tradelines.


The effects of leveraging the YEARS of amazing credit of others is something that to this day still baffles me that can be done and is allowable in the eyes of the bureaus and the lenders…but it is!

And to not leverage this is a massive mistake.

But here comes the issue.

You have to trust your source for aged authorized tradelines. You have to have guarantees of listings in place BEFORE you buy a thing.

And you absolutely cannot allow yourself to buy aged tradelines that are ridiculously overpriced (and this is where most people get scammed!)

I control an inventory of some of the best authorized tradelines and I WILL NOT EVER DO WHAT OTHERS DO WITH THIS INVENTORY…I will not double, triple or 5x them in price to you.

That’s repulsive.

I make a tiny markup per line sold and in return I want you to be WANTING to then recommend me to others.

I choose my lines for your based on the following:

a) years of the credit tradeline

b) amount of the credit on that line

c) your state

If you want to EXPLODE your credit scores, buying the best aged authorized tradelines is the way to do so…and I am the only person on earth selling the best au tradelines for a fraction over what I pay to get them.


Kevin Browne

The post Authorized Tradelines: Explode Your Credit With Aged Authorized User Tradelines appeared first on My IM Place SYNDICATOR.


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